Natsumi Tabusa / 田房 夏波


I aim to achieve a culturally rich society by implementing transformative experiences for customers in everyday services. I believe that service design will change how people see, choose and enjoy everyday products which are strongly related to vernacular nature and history.



Media / メディア情報

Public Speaking / 登壇・審査員など

Writing / 執筆

Instagram (EN&JP) / Twitter (JP) / note (JP)

Design Projects


Professional with over 12 years of experience developing new services using traditional handicrafts such as pottery, textile, and woodworking.

Aiming to empower consumers to live with their favourites by designing lifelong learning opportunities in daily services that change how people see, choose, and enjoy everyday products.

Born in Japan, Osaka, in 1988, graduated from Kobe University with BA in Intercultural Studies. After working at Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd, where she was involved in management accounting and business planning, she joined Aeru Company as the general manager of the west Japan division.

Various projects include launching a retail shop in Kyoto, planning new hotel rooms, operating a repair service for broken dishes, organising educational workshops and so on.

1988年大阪生まれ。神戸大学国際文化学部卒業。英国Royal College of Artサービスデザイン修士課程修了。


現在、ロンドンを拠点にフリーランスのサービスデザイナー・リサーチャーとして、地域の資源を活用したサービスやブランドの支援を行う。ビジネス・デザイン・アートなど様々な切り口から、人々の「モノの見方・選び方・楽しみ方」を変容する体験(Transformative Experience)の社会への実装を模索中。